Things i like to do II
I still like to go in the fridge, only now i peel the lid off the yoghurt and stick my fingers in, then lick them.
I love to draw with felt tip neo's. The couch is the best place, it's like a big, blank canvas.. even has the same texture. mom keeps insisting i draw on paper though but that's ok, there's paper everywhere.. post, books, bills etc.
I love digging in our re-cycle bin and playing with empty coke bottles or plastic pasta packets. If it's a coke bottle mom puts some stones in it so when i shake it it makes a noise. if i settle for the packet i like scrunching it up on one side, so it looks like a fan.
I LOVE to dance. i'll dance to anything but i like prince the most. I bend my knees and move my arms around.. i've got really good rythym, definitely got that from mom.
I love signing 'more'. In fact, any time i want food i sign. It's pretty instant, as soon as i sign it i get food put in front of me or a yoghurt, which is my favourite. I'm trying to sign yoghurt at the moment... had a couple of attempts but it's a bit tricky.
i love playing with mom's hair. i try and eat it and her reaction really makes me laugh. mom often asks me for a kiss, but at the moment she doesn't really have to, cos when i want to kiss her i just lean over and give her one.
I love it when dad washes my face in the morning. he makes me laugh. as soon as dad says it i know what we're going to do. it's our little routine. i also love rubbing my bare feet against dad's stubble on his chin, it tickles... but in a horrible/nice way!
I still love to sleep with mom and dad. Only now.. i wake up and reach for my beaker cup and drink lots of milk, never used to do that before. I know where it is and i put it back.. right where i found it.
I'm off to italy next week so will only blog when i'm back. arrivederci!