I'm about 10 months delayed in speech overall. I'm making good progress, here's my report. Mama and papa are very proud of me.
Attention and Listening- stayed engaged in all the table top activities I wanted for 20 mins+, we had the room to ourselves. When getting restless accepted 1-2 minute breaks and then back to the table. Visual attention for assessment pictures/booklet a strength.
Social interaction: happy to come with me but started asking for the other children outside- which I was pleased about – asking for other children, not distracting himself by wanting to go to another adult. When really proud he had done something he called out “Yusuf look” when Yusuf had come into the background of the room.
Expression: coming on leaps and bounds in this area. More and more spontaneous 3-4 word phrase phrases, all very appropriate “say bye bye Dora” as soon as I suggested packing up the dolls (which included a Dora the explorer doll– who he has asked “who’s this?”). Using Negatives “no, not this”, labelling pictures, showing all the vocab teaching you have done, using plurals, -ing endings answering what, where , and yes/no questions. When Luca didn’t know the correct name he offered his own pillow, Luca: “oh sleepy head”. So overall on the assessment I used (Preschool Language Scales – 3) Luca demonstrated all skills in the 24-29 mths range and developing skills (half of the items passed) in the 30-35mths range. Given in August 07 his age equivalent was 13mths – I am pleased with this progress.
Comprehension: again showing pleasing progress. Understanding spatial concepts in, on, off, full range of body parts (and proud of it!) developing pronouns ie. “give it to me, give it to him, one for you, developing quantity – understood Give me …‘all’, ‘one’, ‘the rest’. Not sure of ‘some’
Recognizing actions in pictures e.g. where’s blowing?. Luca understands what objects are used for e.g. “which one can you ride?” Luca using lots of gesture to keep me entertained and keep my attention on him. Similarly on the receptive language parts of the assessment (Preschool Language Scales – 3) Luca demonstrated all skills in the 24-29 mths range and most skills in the 30-35mths range. Given in August 07 his age equivalent was 14mths – I am pleased with this progress.