Monday, May 19, 2008

Had a ball with papa this weekend!

I don't know why i'm blogging papa as dad and also mama as mom? I call him papa and call mom mama so will be accurate from now on! Mama went away for the weekend to see a friend of hers. Papa came to stay and took care of me for the whole weekend and we had a lot of fun. He took me to Waterlow Park (mama's favourite park).

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Not 100%

I've been ill on and off all week. Had a really bad night, had a temperature and didn't sleep much at all. I'm a bit better today but still coughing a lot. I'm going to hang with dad today so am excited about that!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Cool rider

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The meaning of my index finger

I've finally figured it out! My index finger fits perfectly inside my nostril. That's what it's there for!!! .. it's too much of a coincidence don't you think? It also fits in mom's nostril with space to spare.

Monday, May 05, 2008

I'm poorly :-(

I'm not feeling great. Been fighting a temperature for the past couple of days and i have a runny nose. I haven't been ill for months, in the fact the whole of winter I was pretty much ok, big difference to last winter! I think my immunity's getting stronger now. I'm tired so i'm going to have a little ziz.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa Gunter!

You would have been 68 years old today. I know I haven't met you but I hope all the angels are throwing a big party for you tonight. We'll be celebrating ourselves. Till we meet...

Friday, May 02, 2008

My fave TV programmes

Well i love footie the most, any game will do.

At the moment the shows i love and that really make me giggle are...

In the night garden... I like upsy daisy the most.

Brum... i love dancing with them all at the end.

Thursday, May 01, 2008


It was my IEP at nursery today. I've reached all my goals except for one!!! I had to repeat words, well i'm now trying to construct sentences!!! I had to increase my attention span which i'm doing too... the only thing i'm not doing is taking my trousers off by myself. That's not my fault though, nursery, mom and dad haven't been pushing me to do this (tut). They are very pleased with my progress and have set new goals. I have no doubt i'll be able to meet those too.