Developmental Assessment
Just came back from seeing my paediatrician. She had students with her and she wanted them to learn a bit about me. She was comparing me to her previous patient. she asked the students what i had, that that other patient didn't have. they said i'm 'aware' and 'motivated'. how good is that?! she was saying how important those skills are for development, she couldn't believe how much i've progressed. They did an assessment and i'm 12 months developmentally, so i'm 2 months behind. Mommy saw tim on the way out (my speech & language therapist) and he said i'm 9 months for speech. He's right, mommy read over the notes and they asked her if i 'babbled', which i do... but in the notes it says 'babbles with many vowels and consonants', i don't do that... yet! She read through the notes though and everything else is right. so i'm generally 12 months, speech more delayed. The fact i don't eat can hold my speech back. Eating is good excercise for tongue muscles, which in turn help you speak. So we must work on my speech more, but don't think there's much more mommy and daddy can do other than what they're doing. it'll come to me. I even picked up a dice using my pincer grip. how good is that?!
She's going to try and claim on the nhs for austria. Don't think we'll hear back in time though. We also discussed getting my testes sorted out. one seems to be descending but the other isn't. also need to look at my blocked tear duct. Mommy's asked if she could cancel occupational therapy. It's too much right now, too many appointments and mommy can get information about how to help my development and skills. I'll go at my own pace, but with mommy's guidance. We're on a waiting list to have developmental 'play' with someone from KIDS, think that'll be more than enough, don't need O/T on top of that. Mommy's gonna call KIDS and chase, find out when they can start.
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