Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Lordy, lordy, lordy

I had my first dentist appointment today. Mommy's been worried about my teeth. When i was in hospital with pneumonia she noticed that they were looking 'stained'. I've been on iron supplements which can stain teeth so she took me to the dentist to make sure all was ok. They said i could be losing enamel. Agh. It could be related to my chromosome. I have to go to Great Ormond Street for a check up. I wouldn't let the dentist have a good look, it's a bit invasive isn't it? I hope i'm not losing enamel, but if i am and my teeth look funny, please don't tease me about it.. or you'll have my mom to deal with.

On a lighter note, i love to eat! i'm not drinking at all.. i must be getting enough fluid from my food. I've tried chicken, fish, fillet, most fruits and veg and i love it all. I love cheese too! i'm eating really well. If there are problems with my teeth i guess we'll have to stay away from sugar. so don't go offering me sweeties and tempting me.

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