Friday, January 12, 2007

Physio & Speech

Had my first physio and speech session today, it's been a while, what with christmas and all. I'm getting a cold so wasn't up to much. Didn't really want to play. Katherine's happy with how i'm moving, mommy and daddy have to make cruising more difficult for me, by putting pillows in the way and stuff like that. My speech is pretty delayed. I'm still not saying any words. I will do sometime i'm sure, all kids develop at different rates and i've been through a lot so it's bound to impact stuff. Mommy's gonna get my ears tested. She doesn't think there's a problem but just wants to rule it out. i respond to sound, i turn to noises, like the phone ringing and doors closing, and i understand what she's saying when she says things to me.. like when she asks me for a cuddle i know to give her one.. daddy too! When she calls me to come to her, i come. Sometimes when she calls me i don't respond, but that's cos i'm playing and don't want to be disturbed.

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