Thursday, February 01, 2007

I've reached my goals!

Helen came from KIDS, i've now reached all my goals and time to set new ones. I'm doing great! Developmentally i'm not far behind at all, more so in self help cos i'm not feeding myself yet.. i've only been eating 3 months so that'll come.

Here are my old goals:
Social skills
i have to learn to let go of a toy when i'm asked to (DONE!)
I'll roll a car or a toy to another person, take part in a game (DONE!)

Cognitive and play skills
I have to learn to put objects into containers. (EASY PEASY)
I must find an object hidden under a container. (DONE THAT!)
I must transfer an object to another hand so that i can pick up another object. (NO PROBLEM THERE!)
I must press a button/switch to operate a toy. (YES!)
I must take the stacking rings off the pole (DO THAT WITH EASE)

Motor skills - i must use my pincer grip to pick up small objects (I'M A PRO)
I must stir dry pasta/beans with a spoon or shovel. (YEP!)

I must look at a familiar object when named or signed e.g. mommy. (YEP)

What can i say?

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