Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Understanding and speech

My understanding is incredible. I understand everything mom says. I've been a bit of a snot bucket lately, mom told me to go and get some toilet paper to wipe my nose, which is what i did. I couldn't decide how much i needed though... i figured a lot of snot = a lot of loo paper!

My speech is coming along too. I now say 'up' everytime i want to be lifted up, which is often! I can point at photos and say 'mama' and 'dada', i say 'hallo' to everyone i see, also wave and say 'bye'. I say 'nanana' for banana. When i do things that are naughty and mom catches me i say 'oh no'! I say 'yeah' and 'no' with meaning too.

I love talking on the phone 'chatter, chatter, chatter... hahahahahah, chatter, chatter, chatter.. hahahahaha!'

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