Sunday, June 03, 2007


I've been a snot bucket for the last week, and fighting a temperature all weekend. Poor me. I'm not too bad though, think i'm on the mend although still have bucket loads of snot coming out my nose, not sure where it all comes from?

I'm brilliant at opening doors now. Any kind of door will do... normal doors, fridge doors. I can also walk up quite a high step all by myself, but can't come down yet. That's next i think.

I've got this cool book from my old speech therapist. Mom reads it to me about 3 times a week. I have to copy sounds that she says... I'm getting really good. Today i copied 'mmmm', 'h-h-h' (like a puppy panting), also 'ah' and also aaaaaaaargh. I'm good at roaring like a lion too.

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