Friday, June 29, 2007

Things i like to do...

When mom's not looking i go into the fridge, i love cherry tomatoes.. did you know if you sit on them they pop?! Only thing is you get loads of tomato pips on your bottom. I also like the tomato sauce they use in pasta, it's thicker than paint so if you pour it all over the floor it's brilliant for drawing in with your fingers.

I love shoes, especially watching them float in the toilet.

When i go outside i like talking to the holly bush. It's a really good listener.

I love cassettes. If you pull the tape it just keeps coming out, like magic. It goes on and on and on.. that's all they're good for though.

Most of all i love to sleep with mom and dad. I feel safe and snug as a bug.

1 comment:

Santa Claus said...

ha ha, I bet your Mum likes shoes floating in the toilet too!!!