Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy Heart Day to me!

A year ago today i had my open heart surgery to correct my ASD and VSD. I can't believe a year's gone by, but to be honest with you i don't really remember much about the surgery.

I thought i'd attach a pic of how i was back then, pre-surgery. Just so you can see how far i've come! I didn't have a tube in when the pic was taken though... but my cheeks say it all.


rebecca said...

hi, i've been reading your blog as I'm really interested in taking my 14 month old out to austria and would love to chat to you about it. I'm so glad Luca is out of hospital and eating again! I'd love to hear from you if you get chance.

Luca said...

Rebecca if you go into my profile, you can contact me there.

Santa Claus said...

We are also very glad you are feeling better Luca. This time last year we were very worried about you, but look at you now!! Lots and lots of love
from us in NZ!