Monday, August 28, 2006


It was a bank holiday weekend so we went to visit Leigh-Anne, Rob and Matt in Devon. It took us 6.5 hours to get there, i was fine and only started moaning half an hour from the end. They live in a beautiful home with the most incredible views. I really enjoyed playing with Matt, he even gave me one of his toys! We went to a lovely restaurant on saturday, i saw cows for the first time. Mommy and daddy are going to take me to the zoo soon i think, they're just waiting for a sunny day, hope they don't wait too long. I met lots of Leigh-Anne and Rob's friends. They all loved me, I got loads of attention. There were lots of kids there too but they were much older than me. Before we drove home today we went to a place called 'the house of marbles'. Mommy wanted to have a devon cream tea. There was an amazing toy shop there, Leigh-Anne bought me a great book with pop up farm animals, the animals even make a noise! Thank you Leigh-Anne. I hope we go to devon again soon, was really good getting out of London.

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